Nutritional therapy
The thyroid
The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the neck, plays a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, energy production, and overall body function. Thyroid disorders, encompassing both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, arise when the thyroid gland becomes underactive or overactive, disrupting the delicate balance of thyroid hormone production.

Hypo / Hyper
Hypothyroidism can occur when the thyroid gland produces insufficient thyroid hormones, leading to a slowdown in metabolism and a range of associated symptoms. Common causes of hypothyroidism include autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease), thyroid surgery or radiation therapy, iodine deficiency, medications, and congenital thyroid abnormalities. Left untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to complications such as cardiovascular disease, infertility, and mental health issues.
Hyperthyroidism on the other hand, is characterised by an overproduction of thyroid hormones, resulting in an accelerated metabolism and a range of associated symptoms. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland. Other causes include thyroid nodules or goitre, thyroiditis, and excessive iodine intake. If left untreated, hyperthyroidism can lead to complications such as heart problems, osteoporosis, and the life-threatening thyroid storm.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of thyroid disorders can vary widely, depending on whether the thyroid gland is overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism). Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include rapid heartbeat, weight loss, anxiety, tremors, heat intolerance, and excessive sweating. Hypothyroidism often presents with symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, and depression.

How can nutritional therapy help?
Full thyroid panel
We’ll start by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your thyroid health, including a full thyroid panel. This blood test will offer valuable insights into your thyroid function and autoimmune status, providing a foundational understanding of your thyroid health.
Holistic health
Thyroid function is influenced by various factors beyond hormone levels alone. We’ll delve deeper into all areas that can affect thyroid function such as the liver, gut dysbiosis, selenium and iodine status, stress levels, impact of medication and inflammatory immune cells.
Dietary support and targeted supplements
A balanced diet rich in nutrients essential for thyroid function, such as selenium, iodine, and zinc, can support the production of thyroid hormones and promote overall thyroid health. Targeted supplementation may be recommended to address specific nutrient deficiencies.

T.H.R.I.V.E. programme
My 12-week T.H.R.I.V.E. programme allows you to take control of your thyroid health and live your best life.

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